Archive for the ‘ Uncategorized ’ Category

Tik Tok, Tik Tok!

Hi critters, Oswald here! Tik tok, tik tok, it’s time to switch out your toothbrush! With the new year in full swing, let’s make sure we stay on top of our dental health game. A great and easy resolution or goal to have this year, is to stay on top of changing out your toothbrush […]

May your smile be merry and BRIGHT!

Hi critters, Oswald here! May your teeth be merry and BRIGHT this holiday season! Sitting back in the office I hear patients ask for advice on whitening products all the time. The market of tooth whitening products can be very overwhelming. How do we know which one is best? Which one is enamel safe? Which […]

12 Days of Dentistree!

Hi critters, Oswald here! It’s 12 days of dental tips, from Children’s Dental Care! Make healthy choices: We know this time of year is filled with treats and goodies galore! Here is your friendly reminder to make healthy eating choices for kids. Try not to leave that fruit platter left alone, and don’t forget to […]

Ready, Set, Shop!

Hi Critters, Oswald here! HAPPY holiday season to all! We have officially entered my favorite time of year. Make sure you pop into Children’s Dental Care to see the beautiful Christmas decorations! Tis’ the season filled with holiday cheer, family, friends, and laughter. We have already started with the hustle and bustle of this holiday […]

Gobble, Gobble!

Hi critters, Oswald here! The holidays are right around the corner… and we like to celebrate BIG. Thanksgiving is a time for family, friends, and of course good food! Yum! What is your favorite item at the thanksgiving table? Mine is turkey, of course! We are lucky, Thanksgiving food is filled with nutrients. Turkey is […]

Happy Dental Hygiene Month!

Hi critters, Oswald here! Happy October and happy national dental hygiene month! Here at the lodge we are celebrating all month long. Dental hygiene month is a big holiday in our family and in our community at Children’s Dental Care. As you all know, we love anything and everything about teeth!! For this month, we […]

An Apple a Day…

Hi critters, Oswald here! We all know the saying an apple a day keeps the doctor away, right? But what about the dentist? Can an apple a day keep the dentist away too? You may have heard already, but apples are often referred to as nature’s toothbrush! Why? Apples can be responsible for making your […]

Braving the Braces

Hi Critters, Oswald here! There comes an age that every parent starts to wonder…do my children need orthodontic intervention? That is often a question I see asked here at Children’s Dental Care. As patients of ours, we consistently evaluate your child’s bite and alignment at every visit. If/when we feel your child could benefit from […]

Oh Baby, Oh Baby!

Hi critters, Oswald here, Oh baby, oh baby! It is important to introduce your little one to the dental office at a young age. At Children’s Dental Care, we always stress that good habits are what keeps your oral health in check for years to come. This means that scheduling your baby’s first dental appointment […]

Back 2 School!

Hi critters, Oswald here! Can you believe it is almost time to go back to school!? We have a mix of emotions over here at the lodge. The kids are ready to go back, but their mother and I are not ready for our summer family time to come to and end ☹. With school […]